
Federal Cabinet adopts report on food and nutrition policy


Berlin, 12 June 2024 - The Federal Government has approved the report “Healthy, Sustainable and Safe Nutrition – Federal Government Report on Nutrition Policy, Food and Feed Safety” presented by the Federal Minister for Food and Agriculture, Cem Özdemir.

Ernährungspolitischer Bericht Gesund, nachhaltige und sichere Ernährung
Ernährungspolitischer Bericht “Gesund, nachhaltige und sichere Ernährung”© BMEL

The report sets out the foundations, objectives and measures of the Federal Government's policies in the field of food, nutrition and consumer health protection for the period from June 2020 to May 2024.

Federal Minister Cem Özdemir said:

Food brings people together and creates a sense of community. And how we eat also says a lot about the state of a society and the value it attaches to each individual.

My aim is for everyone in our country to be able to eat well and healthily if he or she wants to. To achieve this aim, we need to ensure that healthy food is available and attractive.

With the report on food and nutrition policy, we are providing an overview of what has been done to reach this goal in Germany in the past four years.

By adopting the Food and Nutrition Strategy – the first ever in Germany - the Federal Government has combined a number of far-reaching measures to ensure that all citizens have better access to a healthy and sustainable diet.

Background Information

The 2024 report on food and nutrition policy takes stock of food and nutrition policy over the past four years.

The “Good Food for Germany” Food and Nutrition Strategy adopted by the Federal Cabinet gives an outlook. With this strategy, the Federal Government is pooling short, medium and long-term measures across all departments with a time horizon until 2050.

The overarching ambition is to make it easier for everyone to access and enjoy a good, healthy and sustainable diet. The Federal Government wants to remove the obstacles preventing a good diet that exist in settings where people eat or buy food in their everyday lives.

One major factor in achieving this is to improve the range of food offered by mass catering services, which provide food for around 16 million people in Germany every day.

(source: BMEL press release)

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