
Joint Statement for World Humanitarian Day


Rome, 19 August 2024 - The United States has prepared a statement honoring humanitarian workers who put themselves at risk each day in order to serve the needs of others and calling for safe and unhindered humanitarian access for delivery of aid.

World Humanitarian Day
World Humanitarian Day© UN

Germany is very pleased to co-sign the attached joint declaration on World Humanitarian Day.

On this World Humanitarian Day, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, San Marino, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States would like to recognize the extraordinary efforts of humanitarian workers around the globe. Whether in response to conflicts, political violence, natural disasters, climate shocks — local and international humanitarian workers are among the first responders working to keep people safe, healthy, and fed often at great risk to themselves. These brave individuals take risks in the service of humanity.

We are deeply concerned by incidents of violence, threats, intimidation, misinformation and kidnapping targeting humanitarian workers around the world. Last year was the most dangerous on record, as hundreds of humanitarian aid workers tragically lost their lives while serving the most vulnerable. Their loss is felt deeply by their families and loved ones, and we express our profound gratitude for their service and sacrifice.

We emphasize the importance of safe and unhindered humanitarian access to deliver aid to those in urgent need. We call upon all parties to conflicts around the world to ensure the protection of humanitarian workers and to respect International Humanitarian Law. It is imperative that all parties to conflict enable and preserve the space for humanitarian organizations to operate in accordance with the principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality, and independence.

As we honor the unwavering commitment and bravery of humanitarian workers today, we stress that protecting them and ensuring their ability to perform their vital work is a collective responsibility. Today and every day, we must all stand together to safeguard those who selflessly serve humanity.

Background Information

World Humanitarian Day is commemorated every year on 19 August to pay tribute to humanitarian workers killed and injured in the course of their work, and to honor all aid and health workers who continue to provide life-saving support and protection to people most in need.

  • We salute the courage and dedication of humanitarian aid workers everywhere.
  • We reaffirm our full support for their determined and life-saving efforts across the world.
  • We celebrate their unwavering dedication to serve ALL people in need: No matter who, no matter where; no matter what.

This year's World Humanitarian Day theme is #Act For Humanity.

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