
Anniversary: 20 Years of the Right to Food


2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Right to Food by the United Nations in 2004.

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banner 20 years Right to Food © FAO

This fundamental human right ensures that every individual has access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food necessary for a healthy life.

In 2004, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) adopted the “Voluntary Guidelines”, which serve as a comprehensive framework for states to implement the Right to Food in practice.

The guidelines present various approaches to sustainably combat hunger, including:

  • Access to Vital Resources: Ensuring adequate access to land, water, and seeds is essential for individuals to engage in their own food production.
  • Improvement of Agricultural Structures: By optimizing cultivation methods and increasing productivity, yields can be enhanced, and the marketing of agricultural products can be facilitated.
  • Strengthening Social Safety Nets: Establishing and improving safety nets for the most vulnerable ensures that no one is excluded from food supply.

Role of the German Government

The German government supports these guidelines both politically and financially, particularly through the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

BMEL is committed to integrating the Right to Food sustainably into the FAO's work. This includes active participation in country-level projects financed through the joint trust fund with the FAO (BTF).

Detailed information about the BMEL's projects can be found here.

Significance of the Guidelines

The FAO guidelines serve as a crucial foundation for governments, media, and civil society to advance the global fight against hunger collectively. They promote cooperation among states and assist them in fulfilling their commitments.

For the first time, the guidelines outline concrete steps for governments to effectively implement the Right to Food. They provide clear recommendations on translating the principles of the Right to Food into realistic and practical policy measures.

Welthungerhilfe on the Ground: Practical Examples

Welthungerhilfe, a private German relief organization based in Bonn, has been supporting projects in numerous countries across Africa, Latin America, and Asia since 1962.

Through specific examples, the organization demonstrates how the Right to Food can be practically implemented. This highlights how the FAO guidelines are translated into tangible measures that improve living conditions and ensure access to food.

More information and case studies can be found here.

As of: October 2024

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