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Germany Bids for a Seat on the UN Security Council for 2027–2028


Berlin / New York - Germany has announced its candidacy for a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council for the years 2027–2028. With this bid, the country aims to strengthen its role in international politics and contribute to global security.

logo Germany for UN Secutriy Council 2027-2028
logo Germany for UN Secutriy Council 2027-2028© GFFO

The Federal Republic of Germany has officially declared its candidacy for a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council for the 2027–2028 term. With this renewed bid,

Germany seeks to expand its responsibility within the international community and play an active role in addressing global crises and conflicts.

As a strong advocate of multilateralism, Germany intends to bring its diplomacy and peace-oriented policies to the Security Council. In a speech, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock emphasized that, in times of increasing international tensions and geopolitical shifts, Germany is ready to take on a central role in promoting peace, security, and sustainable development. Key issues like climate change and human rights are at the forefront of Germany's agenda.

In recent years, Germany has been a member of the Security Council multiple times and has made significant contributions to key debates, such as the Iran nuclear deal and the situation in Syria. These experiences and its diplomatic network are expected to help Germany maintain and develop the global security framework in the coming years.

Another key goal of Germany's candidacy is the reform of the UN Security Council itself. For years, Germany has been advocating for changes to adapt the Council to the geopolitical realities of the 21st century. Berlin is particularly pushing for an expansion of the Council to include new permanent members, aiming for a more just and representative composition.

Learn more: https://germanyunsc.org/

Background Information

The UN Security Council is the most important organ of the United Nations, responsible for maintaining world peace and international security. It consists of 15 members, including five permanent members with veto power (the US, China, Russia, France, and the UK) and ten non-permanent members elected for two-year terms.

Germany was last represented on the Security Council from 2019–2020 and has long advocated for reforming the body to enhance its efficiency and representativeness.

Together with Austria and Portugal, Germany is applying for one of two vacant seats in the group of Western European and other countries.

The elections will take place in June 2026 in the UN General Assembly.

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